On April 2nd , 2013, my Hip and Iliotibial Band were still in a lot of pain. So, I gave it intense therapy for another week. I have electrodes that could possibly help and then there is the rolling pin which gives me excruciating pain, but helpful for the incredible knots in my leg none the less. Anything would be better than having to go into the hospital, get put under and then have a needle full of cortisone shot into my hip, RIGHT?
I had proven to myself that when I started my journey back in 2005, I was correct in losing the weight slowly. I was 210 pounds and over a year, I lost 75 pounds. With steady exercise and a clean diet I lost half of myself in size. I went from a size 16+ to a 6 and now that I haven't trained for a few weeks, I am still holding my own. It helps to stay on a clean diet.
I made a huge mistake by over-training and really hurt myself, several times. I believe that my IT Band and bone spurs in my hip issues are due to running on the highest incline on the Treadmill and Stepmill.(I Kind of went a little overboard, ya think?) As we age especially, our bodies cannot take that kind of beating anymore. It's called, "Insanity" for a reason! I noticed quite a difference with Menopause in how I look and how I move. I do not have that energy level that I once had when I had hormones in my body. I refuse to do hormone therapy and choose to age naturally so acceptance is vital to the whole aging thing.
I have met only a few who are interested in changing their lifestyle as I have done. I didn't find it to be the hardest thing I ever had to do once I made up my mind. We all have choices in the supermarket and with regular exercise, fresh air and water, determination and consistency success is at your finger tips :). These are just some of the keys for success. We are all very different and yet very much the same, however we are free thinkers. "Optimal Fitness is Achieved Through the Infinite Power of Your Mind" This is my motto and whenever I feel discouraged, I look back upon my journey and feel proud of what I have accomplished for myself and am willing and able to help others. This is My reward in life.
I choose to eat mostly organic foods. It really doesn't cost that much more if you portion control your meals and it is better for you and our planet. I try to drink enough water. It is easy for me to get dehydrated for some reason."I have a very compulsive personality" and it is no excuse for breaking those old habits that we learned as children. I am child of the 60's and I think I ate every single snack and sugary cereal that there was out there and now, if I sat down to a bowl of peanut butter Cap'n Crunch or a Cherry Hostess Pie, I would not feel so well after eating it. Also I was born to an Italian home where pasta and bread were mainstays in our diet and I was an over-eater as a child, so I have always battled a weight problem. I still love to cook Italian food, it is my specialty, but I use low fat and whole grains and portion control to stay within my boundaries.
I realized that it is me and only me that can count on me to do the work, stay consistent and never give up!
it is November 18, 2014 and as I revise this article, I am down to my lowest weight, but I haven't worked out for a few weeks and my muscle mass has diminished, so quickly! I am seeing an incredible acupuncturist who is helping my Hip, Back and IT Band issues and I am better except for I have had the flu for a week now! Stress really got to my immune system this time. Have to work on that! My only hope is that someone out there gets inspired by my story.